Hanasaki “Bokunen-zin” (Soba restaurant)

Name: Hanasaki "Bokunen-zin" (Soba restaurant)
Address: 2-1, Kouwa-cho, Nemuro-shi, Hokkaido, Japan
Google Map:
TEL 0153-24-6338

*No correspondence to queries in English.

Open Hours: 11:00 am -  /  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm   (May close early depending on the situation)
Regular Holidays: Tuesdays.  *Open on Tuesdays at the beginning and end of the month
Average Budget:
Recomended Menu: Crab soba (cold soba) 1620 yen  /  Crab and egg soba (warm soba) 1350 yen  /  Sanma soba (cold/warm)  900 yen      *As of September 2022
Parking Area: Available for 5 cars
Capacity: All 38 seats
Credit Card Availability: Unavailable
Shop Pics: