Akesato Ito Farm E’table & GrassyHill(General store & cafe)

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  • Akesato Ito Farm E’table & GrassyHill(General store & cafe)
Name: Akesato Ito Farm E'table & GrassyHill(General store & cafe)
Address: 101-21, Akesato, Nemuro-shi, Hokkaido, Japan
Google Map:
TEL 0153-26-2798

*No correspondence to queries in English.

WEB SITE https://www.akesatoitodairyfarm.com/ https://etablegrassyhill.jimdofree.com/
E-Mail: gyuu@iris.ocn.ne.jp
Open Hours: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Regular Holidays: 7 days a week
Average Budget:
Recomended Menu: Soft serve ice cream 430yen  /   Shake (Vanilla/Strawberry/Banana/Coffee/Matcha) 540yen  /  Parfait (fruit/Chocolate Banana/Azuki )  720yen  /   Two kinds of bagel toppings 500yen  / Chiffon 580yen         *As of September 2024
Parking Area: Available for 20 cars
Capacity: All 48 seats
Credit Card Availability: Available
Shop Pics: