Description: |
There are 500 Ainu castles in Hokkaido, with 32 castles in Nemuro among which 24 are part of the Japanese Cultural Heritage (16th to 18th century).
Those 24 Chashi are well preserved and have a greater cultural importance than the other ones in Hokkaido. Unlike others Chashi, those are often found on a cliff, facing the ocean, a location allowing the Ainu finding food and traveling by means of the sea. They are also larger in scale and their staves have distinctive half-circle and square shapes.
Relevant Locations:
1) "Notukamafu Chashi" – from Nemuro station, 20 minutes by car
2) "Onnemoto Chashi" – from Nemuro station, 40 minutes by car,
or take the bus bound for Nosappu Misaki, and walk 30 minutes from the cape
3) Nemuro Museum of Fishery and Nature, take the bus ride 15 minutes bound for Hanasaki station and get off at Kuruma ishi station.
-------------------------------- This article was written and edited by the members from E-PAL.---------------------